
"You are the ONLY person to visit this page. No one else will ever come here"

vendredi, novembre 21, 2003

ça y est

je suis plus là.

et hop

i'm off to japan.

jeudi, novembre 20, 2003

hier soir

the liars à la boule noire: grand. ces gens là ont quelque chose de précis à dire. en première partie, nouvelle signature blast first qui fait le grand écart entre quickspace (bien) et du rock pathétique (pas bien) avec une nullasse en leader. hier a-m, long long version of "a silvery shelf", j'élabore quelque chose d'ambitieux avec pleinpleinplein de couches de sons pour h.s. dans lesquelles je pourrai cacher une batterie.

mardi, novembre 18, 2003

jean-claude suspension

aha ha oh oh

c'est injuste

mais les cheveux propres ça me va très mal.

from "Infinite Jest"

"His hands were no bigger than a four-year-old girl's. It was surreal. This massive authoritative figure, with a huge read meaty face and thick walrus mustache and dewlacks and a neck that spilled over the rim of his shirt-collar, and his hands were tiny and pink and hairless and butt-soft, delicate as shells"

samedi, novembre 15, 2003

la reprise de all along the watchtower

par XTC est waouh.

vendredi, novembre 14, 2003

chez moi

Je ne mets quasiment jamais de chauffage, ce qui fait que je grelotte quand je sors de ma douche. Généralement, j'en profite pour faire des vocalises avec ma voix de tête, à la Prince, et comme je tremble ça fait des supers tremolo dans ma voix. playlist-"Shelter from the Storm" de Dylan, "Vampire Vultures" de John Fahey (Drag City Books), les émissions de Madame Psychosis dans "Infinite Jest", les jolis derrières.

mardi, novembre 11, 2003

on part dans dix jours

au Japon. Yeah. Il me reste juste 6767832Z90O8756Z5E656Z989A609236783520982937 à faire d'ici là. Dont une petite playlist de saison:
Gram Parsons "A song for you"
Plaid "B-Born Droid"
Bob Dylan "Let Me Die in My Footsteps"
Hypo "New World Menuet"
Lisa Germano "We Suck"
Lisa Germano "Geek the Girl"
Queens of the Stonehenge "A Song for the Dead"
Richard Hell "The Plan"
Elvis Costello "Oliver's Army"
Domotic "These Days"
Bob Dylan "Farewell Angelina"
Bob Dylan "The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest"
Joseph Suchy "Canoeing Instructional"
Minifer "Paplipap"
The Adverts "Safety in Numbers"
XTC "Crosswires"
Fugazi "Instrument" (la chanson sur "Ill on the Kill Taker", pas l'album)
Edward L.Crain "Bandit Cole Younger"
Fugazi "Waiting Room"
BRMC "Generation"
Fugazi "Floating Boy"
The Masked Marvel "Mississipi Boweavil Blues"
Fugazi "Margin Walker"
Frank Hutchinson "Stackalee"
Fugazi "Dear Justice Letter"
Dick Justice "Henry Lee"
Fugazi "Stacks"
Sleepy Jackson "Sunkids"
Fugazi "Break-In"
Clarence Ashley "Coo Coo Bird"
Wire "Sexy and Rich"
Fugazi "Fell, Destroyer"
Richard Hell & Elvis Costello live at CBGB, 1978 "The Kid with the Replaceable Head"
Fugazi "Argument"
moi vs. Sutekh feat. Zoé "Privacy Pt.III"
Fugazi "Merchandise"
Bob Dylan "No More Auction Block"
Dock Boggs "Country Blues"

dimanche, novembre 09, 2003

done this morning


Original "Privacy" track by Seth Horwitz, originally released on Orthlorng Musork [orth09]. Reworked, replayed and reproduced
by odot, September 2002-November 2003, except PT.III written & composed by odot and Zoé. Produced & mixed by Steph Domotic & odot. Vocals by Zoé. Drums by kingQ4. Synths, guitars, bass and mouse choir by odot & Steph Domotic. Spoken words spoken by Vicky Elan. End choir performed by my G3 buddy.

je découvre

lisa germano et je suis ébloui.

samedi, novembre 08, 2003

petits détails qui tuent n°1

- le grésillement parasite au début de "guns of brixton" de the clash (0.00 - 0.05)
- les quatre dernière secondes du solo d'adrian belew sur "born under punches" des talking heads (3.02 - 3.06)
- le moment où les deux guitares se rejoignent sur le riff à la fin de "instrument" de fugazi (3.31-3.33)

dimanche, novembre 02, 2003

girlfriend stops reading D.F. Wallace Breakup Letter at page 20

BLOOMINGTON, IL—Claire Thompson, author David Foster Wallace's girlfriend of two years, stopped reading his 67-page breakup letter at page 20, she admitted Monday.

Above: Thompson
"It was pretty good, I guess, but I just couldn't get all the way through," said Thompson, 32, who was given the seven-chapter, heavily footnoted "Dear John" missive on Feb. 3. "I always meant to pick it up again, but then I got busy and, oh, I don't know. He's talented, but his letters can sometimes get a little self-indulgent."

Foster, the award-winning author of The Broom Of The System and the 1,079-page Infinite Jest, met Thompson in March 2001 through mutual friends.

A political-science professor at Illinois State University, where Wallace teaches creative writing, Thompson said pages 4 through 11 of the letter chronicled the deterioration of the relationship "fairly well." She specifically cited Item 64, on page 7, from the section, "How I Can Tell Things Have Changed":

"It used to be that if you were away from the table or in the next room or otherwise unable to witness this admittedly unsavory and wholly intrusive activity on my part, in little spasms of unhealthy obsession I would peek into your Day Runner Personal Planner so as to gauge how much together-time we would have during the upcoming week at a glance; lately, however—if you are at all able to move past this revelation of my no-two-ways-around-it unforgivable and unjustifiable invasion of privacy and on to the rather telling point—I have found myself either viewing the week-at-a-glance in actual anticipation of our time apart or, even when opportunities for unfettered peeking presented themselves, ignoring your Day Runner Personal Planner altogether such as just last week when, stooped in rummaging position, I opted to remove from your bag and guiltily read cover-to-cover a copy of Fine Cooking magazine, therein choosing to glean particulars about the cultivation, culinary traditions, and preparation of white asparagus over those of our precious little time together."

In addition to compiling the many reasons why the relationship was no longer working, Wallace's letter featured sections on "Why We Could Never Grow Old Together," "Ways It—Us, The World, And Everything—Has All Changed," and "Things I've Never Told You (That Will Certainly Change Your Mind About Me)."

"One thing I found annoying was that you had to read all the way to the middle to figure out what things on the first page of the letter were talking about," Thompson said. "For instance, he kept referring to somebody named The Cackler without explanation until page 11, at which point I finally found out that The Cackler is my friend Renée—essentially forcing me to read the whole first 11 pages over again. And then there are all the footnotes. I always felt he overused those in his valentines, too."

Thompson said she believes Wallace penned the breakup opus during a January lecture trip to the University of New England in Biddeford, ME.

"When he came back, he handed me a big manila envelope," Thompson said. "He said that during the trip, he confronted himself about some things he'd been avoiding, and that he needed to start living his life in a whole different way. He said the contents of the envelope would explain everything. I was just like, 'Okay, whatever, David.'"

Thompson said she did not immediately open the envelope.

"I assumed it was one of his tomes about, I don't know, the reasons why he isn't going to eat processed sugar anymore, or why he threw out his TV," Thompson said. "Or something like the one where he said, in 88 numbered points, why he didn't want a birthday party."

"Or, God, I almost forgot," Thompson added. "There was the letter where he explained how he now wants to be called 'Dave' and included a page-long description of every single 'Dave' and 'David' he's ever known in his entire life."

On Feb. 5, two days after receiving the letter, Thompson received a voicemail message from Wallace asking her what she thought of it. The message prompted her finally to open the envelope and "crack" the letter. That evening, Thompson slogged through the first 20 pages of the dense, complex Breakup Letter For Claire–Rough Draft, eventually putting it down to begin making dinner. The next morning, she moved the letter from her coffee table to a desk drawer, where it still remains, unfinished.

"Maybe I'll pick it up again," Thompson said. "I'd sort of like to see how it ends. Then again, knowing David, it probably just leaves a whole bunch of loose ends untied."

il faut

... parler de randy edelman, obscur tacheron compositeur, metteur en sons de pathétiques ressors dramatiques dans des films de seconde zone. ça doit pas être facime de le faire avec un budget limité (et donc des synthés et des trucs pour donner une petite teine ethnique cheap), en plus.

c'est dingue

ce que mes amis sont doués.

et random veneziano

l'est déjà.

ask for tiger

devrait être grand aussi.


mehdikun et khanh-lin chan, mes deux choristes, entre deux ou trois choses importantes (qu'est-ce que je préfère chez les filles) m'ont presque redonné confiance en internet, mais c'était une escroquerie. je vous rassure c'est toujours aussi pourri, et je ne leur en veux pas (je suis content d'avoir passé un après-midi entier avec mehdi à rien faire et ça me rend heureux, quand même). jolies photos ce matin. j'ai écrit quelques mots étranges pour variable poney (la variable poney) dans ma galerie où il ne fait plus si froid, j'ai été témoin d'une étrange histoire dans laquelle un vigile n'osait pas quitter son poste pour aller voir sa femme accoucher, j'ai entamé mon projet de thèse quand la semaine dernière je traduisais un texte sur les six grands modes de rasage masculin (et je préfère) et je suis toujours attaché. Jusqu'à la prochaine déception, je me contenterais presque de mes "radio ethiopia", "idiot wind" et "infinite jest" (mais je ne vais pas tenir très longtemps alors il faut venir me voir). ah oui, j'oubliais presque: "hello spiral" va tout déchirer. j'ai déjà de la peine pour ceux qui vont passer à côté.

samedi, novembre 01, 2003


je m'attache à nouveau et c'est pas une bonne idée

cette semaine ça s'enroule

privacy III en version chantée devient tout simplement magique, grâce à la ligne de voix de zoé et au boulot incroyable que fournit steph pour le mixer. on m'a dit que ça ressemblait à du coldplay (et antho a préféré évoquer sigur ros, un air très méchant sur le visage), et ce n'est pas une mauvaise nouvelle. other: je dois aller travailler, "john wesley harding", Wolfgang Rihm par l'ensemble Recherche aux bouffes du nord lundi, "Biozombie" hier soir chez Kumichan, David Foster Wallace, "La République Invisible", "Atrocity Exhibition", le centre de ressources, "Lullaby" de Chuck Palahniuk, "Aberration of Starlight" de Sorrentino que j'ai du mettre en pause parce que j'ai moins de temps, privacy, privacy, privacy.