
"You are the ONLY person to visit this page. No one else will ever come here"

vendredi, décembre 31, 2004

going off

mercredi, décembre 29, 2004

according to reuters

"Sri Lankan wildlife officials are stunned -- the worst tsunami in memory has killed around 22,000 people along the Indian Ocean island's coast, but they can't find any dead animals."

this is pretty nothing in comparison but doesn't it make you feel you better

une seule écoute d'un fichier midi de closer me rend fou

j'avais oublié à quel point ces mélodies étaient magiques

même si je suis sûr qu'il ne l'a pas fait exprès

i am seventeen again

demain je le rachète

a giant force more violent a sick than anything you can imagine

you sure know that quote

love is a virus. i think love is a con put down by the female sex. i don't think it's a solution to aything. women are a perfect curse. i think they were a basic mistake, and the whole dualistic universe evolved from this error.

mardi, décembre 28, 2004

odot vs. the magnetic fields

Please follow the link above. i'll put the paper here some time later

(this is about the magnetic fields)

dimanche, décembre 26, 2004

by prearranged moment, according to western civilization, christmas

ronald sukenick is dead
i flitter at the edges of affiliation because it is even more frightening to renounce it

vendredi, décembre 24, 2004

instantparty oasis

mais c'est qu'il en met du temps le soleil à se lever ce matin


j'aimerais, comme ismael
pouvoir citer du yeats à tout bout de champs
et toujours être en contexte
ça serait claaaaasse

par rapport à y a deux posts là avant

quand je pense à tous ceux qui ont oublié hello & residua dans leur playlist


guitare chorus

trois trucs que j'adore avec des guitare chorus partout
le premier suzanne vega qui n'a pas de titre
"and she closed her eyes"

en fait la guitare chorus dans l'absolu c'est super beau ça résonne par le milieu ça enrobe la tête dans un leger tremblement ça glisse sur les oreilles comme de la neige fine c'est presque invisible non la guitare chorus c'est super beau


je télécharge toutes les soit-disant tueries des playlists de tous les rédacteurs de tous les magazines cool de la terre tout est bof. je vous signale que des vrais bons disques en 2004 c'est pas ce qui manque il suffit de regarder les choses un peu à l'envers. je me rappelle il y a sept ans


jeudi, décembre 23, 2004

my favorite word these days


(i don't even know what it means)

pétard mouillé

"the plot against america" is ok but i was expecting a knockout so it came out as a big disappointment. plus i'm getting Roth's nasty vocabulary habits way too clearly and it's kind of disturbing because i tend to expect talented writers, musicians, whatever, to proceed way beyond comprehension and i understood this one all too vividly.

(that's the first and last bookshop blockbuster i'll read this year)

the proof being

en japonais lapin se dit usagi


je pourrais difficilement être plus décontenancé par mon sens du timing abracadabrantesque que ces jours. je me dis tu comprendras plus tard ce qui m'arrive et non en fait je comprend jamais rien à rien il y a toujours quelque chose à regretter. de là où vous êtes ça donne quoi?

no subject you sucker

times passes slowly

karine met des liens systématiques vers ses chroniques moi j'ai l'impression que c'est mon travail pourtant je suis souvent assez fier des mes chroniques oui mais c'est mon travail c'est un peu comme si je vous parlais de *ma thèse*


à peu près

"les hommes vivent sur une ligne droite et les femmes passent de petites bulles en petites bulles'

(cette phrase très poétique et un peu idiote vient de la bouche d'Ismael dans "Rois et Reine" qui est la plus belle chose que j'ai vue pendant la journée de hier)

mardi, décembre 21, 2004

je somnolais

et à la radio quelqu'un disait "être gentil c'est bien être méchant c'est mal"

lundi, décembre 20, 2004

simple proof

I have a mandolin. I play it all night long. It makes me want to kill myself. I also have a dobro made in some mountain range-sounds like a mountain range in love. But when I turn up the tone on my electric guitar, I'm afraid of the dark without you close to me. I went out to the forest and caught 100,000 fireflies. As they ricochet round the room they remind me of your starry eyes. Someone else's might not have made me so sad, but this is the worst night I ever had, because I'm afraid of the dark without you close to me. You won't be happy with me, but give me one more chance-you won't be happy anyway. Why do we still live here in this repulsive town? All our friends are in New York. Why do we keep shrieking when we mean soft things? We should be whispering all the time.

you're sending me smoke signals i know your secret code

I did this super long passionate paper on stephin merritt for chronicart
but it's not online yet
i'd like to put it here but i can't
in the meantime
i keep listening to "smoke signals", "you love to fail" and "100,000 fireflies" again
those very old songs
and i'm thinking

this record (the wayward bus & distant plastic trees) is the only one in the whole world that has the power of making me feel just
as a person in love
which is pretty ironic
considering the fact
that they're pretty straightforwardly

my favorite mainstream record before i go undercover

cette nuit

j'avais un train à prendre il me semble mais je perdais le coude de mon bras droit j'enlevais le gros bout détaché de ma peau que j'écartais comme un t-shirt et ça ne faisait absolument pas mal.

dimanche, décembre 19, 2004


that one

that one?

what am i grinning at

"If the moon smiled she would resemble you.
You leave the same impression
Of something beautiful, but annihilating
Both of you are great light borrowers.
Her O-mouth grieves at the world; yours is unaffected"

(i didn't write that. sylvia plath did)

piece of mindless mindpiece

We don't know what the future will bring we do have a chance to unfold our days one by one and piece together a story that shapes us it's the only life anyone ever has.

pour noel je voudrais

quelqu'un à qui parler quand ça va pas comme là maintenant tout de suite et une EB3.

no need to argue

elle est quand même super conne kim bauer

exeunt incident

ben ouais c'est dimanche


Mes boyaux sur ton nez sur ton bombardier tes interêts tes ondes la route vers ton cul je ne marchande pas avec toi
je vais juste te faire la peau

woman of dark desires

I don't have to explain myself I just want the gloves to come off.

you bitch


starting NOW

Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off Fuck off

start a war

pourquoi je m'infligerais ça?

(tu parles)

jeudi, décembre 16, 2004

throw me garbage goods

capsule "phony-phonic" venetian snares - all of them but mostly "horse and goat" and "winter in the belly of snake" (i don't understand why the guy has to spoil his amazing sonic constructions with ugly synths washes like on that "huge chrome metallic" one, though) today is the day "in the eyes of god" (terribly emo terribly violent just an unexpected masterpiece) 24 "the plot against america" by p.roth "distance" & "maborosi" by hirokazu koreeda and a long boring sitcom episode yesterday at the movies. Do i feel manly all the same?

(i don't)

samedi, décembre 11, 2004


elle est étrangement floue

jeudi, décembre 09, 2004

sixty six per six percent

can i cook you some chicken?

take me to the other side of the world the one that's inside i remember the day dixon died

( i remember "the Interior had remain'd less studied philosophickally, than endur'd anxiously, by those who might choose to travel Diametrickally across it,-means of Flight having been develop'd early in the history of the Inner Surface. (...) In the larger sense, then, to journey anywhere, in this Terra Concava, is ever to scand. With its Corollary, - Outside, here upon the Convexity,- to go anywhere is ever to descend")

i'm actually so bad

i'm listening to a lot of idm these days how pathetic is that

the more you see me here

the worst the shape i'm in.

(i need a sweet, tender, compassionate fuck)

for a change

i could use one teenytiny "how are you today?" once in a while. this habit tends to dissolve these days. who cares?

I borrowed this to JE Wideman

"Loving her is like trying to solve a riddle whose answer yes and no. No and yes"

mercredi, décembre 08, 2004

let me spoil that ending for you

The best way to end a literary masterpiece has to be time paradox. Richard Powers, who has to be, if not the best, the most clever novelist in the whole word, does that in The Time of Our Singing. "The bird and the fish can make a bish. The fish and the bird can make a fird", sings little Robert. And just after that, Delia (she's black) says to her husband to be (he's Jewish) who has just noticed that she's blushing "Yes " (agreeing, and worse). 'Yes. We have this, too".

My my my my my oh my how I wept.

lundi, décembre 06, 2004

if you've got the money you can ask for


dimanche, décembre 05, 2004

happy strolling

samedi, décembre 04, 2004

popeye mayhem

"a very early incarnation of Mayhem in 1986, featuring Maniac (who then sounded like Popeye) on vocals"

emperor casio

"My only gripe on that is their keyboard sometimes only sounds slightly better than the Casio my brother tinks on. That is especially true in their classical remake of "Opus a Satana" (it was released in black metal version as "Inno a Satana" on the last album). While the idea is cool, the keyboards sound cheap. Perhaps even black metallists who can summon the darkest powers of the universe have studio budget problems."

something interesting for a change

"Marxy's Guide to Foreign Views on Japan

From the posts on my blog and views elsewhere, I've created my own Right-to-Left continuum for views on Japan:

Far Right - The Colonialists - "Japan is dumb. The West is better. J-birds are easy. The Japanese are bad at English. Nova, where's my paycheck?" (Note: This view doesn't show up much on my site, but is probably the dominant mode of thought among the US/UK foreigners living in Japan.)

Moderate Right - The Collaborationists - "Japan's shining moment was the Dainippon Teikoku. Japan should stand up to North Korea more. Don't criticize Japanese culture when its Asian market success proves it to be right. Ishihara is correct to try to keep all the riff-raff out."

Neutral - The Casual Fans - "I like Japanese things."

Moderate Left - The Sociologists - "Japan is a modern society, and thus, should be judged on the same standards as other post-Industrial nations. Somethings work, but others could be improved. The remaining illiberal political culture should be eradicated for democracy's sake."

Hard Left - The Anthropologists - "Japan is a unique nation and cannot be judged by Western ethnocentric criteria. Let Japan be Japan. Stop trying to interfere.""

just go there

for the brilliant thing about Shibuya-Kei.

(by the way Plus-Tech Squeeze Box is still my greatest 2004 knockout, and I discovered BM in 2004, so that's how far it goes)

terrifying BURMESE

"Musique de rats crevés"

vendredi, décembre 03, 2004

absolutely great review from cracked

“Hello Spiral” defies all kind of denomination. It is, as they say, here, there and everywhere. Finally a pop record, a record of electronic music, an experiment and a statement all rolled into one, with some edges showing off more visibly at some times, while others stay afloat in the distance at all times. Eclecticism as a trade and “joy to the world” as a motto.
Olivier Lamm is truly a composer more than most of his contemporaries. Or he is a sponge sucking in impressions from all over the place and then reflecting them like a magic mirror, producing irrevocably translucent and magnifying moments. Or maybe Olivier Lamm is nothing but the strange fellow you might meet in a pub somewhere and spend some hours talking about records, books and movies, without ever getting to know anything about each other but the likes and dislikes you share about music. Well, O.Lamm has one on you then: he is making that music.

Endlessly the Uzumaki draws attention into its vortex, sucking in without ever giving forth and transforming everything within its reach beyond repair. There is a reason the spiral has always been the number one symbol for hypnotists and evil magicians perusing their powers for darksided ends. From the Twilight Zone to the tv-quizsow, the spiral also always stood for fortuitousness and progress, with a hint of paranormal phenomenons and explanations from beyond our realm. To encompass the spiral, to welcome its swirling embrace, is to give away freely and without second thoughts everything everyone else would deem important or meaningful. Remember the end of “The Black Hole”, when the big space ship finally plunges into the utter symbol of nihilism? Well, it spiralled around its own angle, didn’t it? Actually, it had to, because even though no one really knows what a black hole looks like and if it does move (and if so, in what direction), to symbolize the complete end, the meaninglessness of life and existence and to eradicate every thought for hope in its most final destination, it just had to be a spiral. Therefore I say, that “Hello Spiral” is a very daring title for a record.
Then again, Active Suspension is a very daring record label. Just take a look at the rule-bending bricolage of songs that they released on Hypo’s “Random Veneziano” (who, by the way, also plays a bitpart on here..). “Hello Spiral” is also definitely more than just one record. Rather, it is a impersonification and concentration of various records. How could one person have done all this, but wait – there are more questions to ask before we get there. There is pop-songs, there is ambient noise, there is electronic wizardry, there is weird and quirky shit, there is a lot of stuff thrown all together and swirled like a bouillabaisse, there is even a choir of people singing together harmonically over harsh electronic wall of noise of humming bass, whooshing high pitched glitches and distortion. A joyful praise sung in almost choral style, that somehow doesn’t makes me regret it is Christmas time again. The influences come from here and there – rarely ever does an artist make up a list of influential products himselfand in even rarer circumstances are the hints so widespread. From “Screamadelica” to “Highway 61 Revisited”, from Converge to Ground Zero,and also writers like Thomas Pynchon or Davd Foster Wallace. You could spend the time listening to “Hello Spiral” jotting down the connotations you can here, but why exhaust yourself, if it has already been done.

Olivier Lamm is French, that might explain his sensibility towards beautiful melodies and the ability to bury them beneath heaps of electronic noise and some trumpets on top. And it explains why he gets drunk on Stella Artois (though it definitely doesn’t explain why he takes his teddy bear drinking with him – to watch over him so he gets home well?) His history is
long and winding, and it shares points with many French projects, bands and artists – some of which have a bitpart on here – from My Jazzy Child over David Balula to Hypo again. And it is this history, a path filled with free-form experimentation (free-form as in free to think in any form) that gives him the guts to pull of stunts, others wouldn’t dare to write down as
a plan even. Like the noises of someone munching an apple (I only guess it is an apple), or toy pipes whistling a military tune, or voices singing a children’s canon, or a bassy electric drone developing into a spiritfully and joyous song, or a track splashing out of the water like someone who cracks through the surface of a pool gasping for air after having taken a
long dive.

Summing up, the best thing about this unidentifiable record with the eclectic collection of songs and tracks is its fun. The fun it spreads and the fun it obviously received in the making.

jeudi, décembre 02, 2004

They rule

"DESERT NORTHERN HELL" discards all other great bm releases of 2004, yes it does, just ahead of "Chimera" and "Tentacles of Whorror". Ain't that something.

the latter post

also applies to what we were talking about yesterday, johann.

people are 98% percent predictable and what we don't want them to be (i.e. exactly embodying our worst displays of prejudice) because they are acting as if in a fiction of reality.


guess what

so do we.

A little bit of enlightnenment courtesy of Mr Curtis White

"Realism has become a State Fiction, a part of the machinery of the political state. It is through the conventions of Realism that the State explains to its citizens the relationship between themselves and Nature, economics, politics, and their own sexuality. This massive epistemological excercise takes place everyday, right before our eyes on television, in the movies, in Times Magazine, in the simpleminded, causal rhetoric of politicians, and so on. What postmodernism has done and continues to do is oppose any totalizing fiction of life, that which, in Calvino's words, seeks "to confirm and consecrate the established order of things". (in Italo Calvino and What's Next: The Literature of Monstrous Possibility)


my mother acting as a woman her age despite the fact that she's not like a woman her age

shabby girls acting shabbily because they think they don't have other ways to fowly exist within and inside society

the total anti-ness and counter acting force at stake in what I crave for

the political acuteness of postmodernism

a direction for my thesis


Christophe Graciot m'a écrit

"ton blog, c'est un peu Muji, y'a plein de trucs sympas un peu partout, mais on se dit qu'ils le seraient encore plus si on savait à quoi ils servent"


"Ah, yes! The Electrically Neutral Kaon. The latest British beat group, right?"

la fréquence du bruit statique de mon G4

se marie parfaitement avec celle des mon acouphène du coup quand il est allumé ça va mieux.