Nous y voilà donc:
à compulser tous les jours de la vie, quand j'y parle (un peu) et quand je n'y parle pas (surtout)
"You are the ONLY person to visit this page. No one else will ever come here"
Nous y voilà donc:
to the guys at the FFC
ma mie m'a montré le blog d'une charmante styliste américaine qui façonne des jolies robes en vichy dans sa jolie maison décoré de l'illinois qui soit sentir bon le bois poncé;
Etc etc, etc; pour resituer un peu le contexte de la diarrhée, "she" c'est Joan, architecte chargée d'élaborer un mémorial en l'honneur de deux victimes du tsunami en Indonésie financé par leur frère multi-milliardaire, et c'est le coeur de
She flipped the gigantic Hermès leather notebook Pradeep gave her on her last birthday and reexamined Andy Goldsworthy's seraphic earthwork. How could she compete? For the 10,000th time, she looked at Donald Judd's aluminium Marfan boxes and concrete bunkers in a neat desolate row (...). There was a a xeroxed article about Michael Heizer's awesome Earth Alert "ruin" in the Nevada high desert- it all made her queasy. Déjà vu vu vu vu vu: newspapers, slick city magazines, and Sunday supplements carrying the same tired layouts on an eroto-escherian loop: Marfa/getaways, Marfa/land boom, Marfa/Chinati (chinati meant "raven" in aztec - she wanted to gag), Marfa/Prada storefront installation, Marfa/Giant, Marfa/eccentric 50something heiresses, Marfa/renovated rundown Deco buildings and adobe fixer-uppers, Marfa/ocotillos and prairie dogs, Marfa/Dan Flavin/Barracks, Marfa/"Mystery Lights"... the monthly piece somewhere, anywhere, everywhere about culinary auctions of black truffles from the foothiils of the Pyrenees, or Masa Takayama's latest psycho-expensive sushi parlor, always "tucked behind an unmarked door"... the controversy over the use of "Kobe" vs "Kobe Style"... the Coppola family compound turned lodge-resort in Belize... The Spiral Jetty (aerial shot) and Andrea Zittel/A-Z Administrative Services/A-Z Raugh/A-Z Escape Vehicles and Michael Fucking Heizer. If she read one more thing about Smithson's Spiral Jetty (aerial shot) or the Lightning Field or Andi Joshua Tree (Mojave as Marfa) Zittel's schoolgirl uniforms and desert hiking trips or Heizer's cranks and idiosyncrasies or High Desert Test Sites or Center for Land Use Interpretation or Dia: Bacon or Lannon Foundation Earth Sculpture Installations or for that matter anything about William T Vollmann (who even looked like Robert Smithson; oddly, both Smithson and Vollmann looked like Donald Judd without beards) and the Inland Empire or Imperial Valley - she was certain she would disembowel herself at the Basel Art Fair and take a few with her. There were other, different loops: the UCLA Live Spring brochure with its dumbass hypey look-at-me names; Chava Alberstein, Pappa Tarahumara, Tania Libertad, Astrid (Zaha!) Hadad; the New Literary Hoaxes; the people compelled to amputate their own limbs; the affluent Manhattanites who got monstrous diseases and wrote tender tranchant diaries of their own demise... the Brian Wilson Smile and Elvis Costello classical-crossover/Metropole Orkest loop; the Walter Benjamin/Eva Hesse/Guy Debord loop; the Proust translation wars; the what-does-Steve-Jobs-who-is-always-standing-in-front-of-a-big-screen-image-of-
himself-have-up-his-sleeve loop (one year it was rare cancer).
vous allez voir c'est intéressant le surmenage feuillette vraiment dans ma vie intellectuelle