pour le moment
"je vous demande seulement de m'imprimer la peau, chéri. Couvrez moi de votre corps, pour m'empêcher de céder à la déraison et de courir me plonger dans les eaux de la Schuylkill, telle Ophélie dans la Limfjord"
"You are the ONLY person to visit this page. No one else will ever come here"
"je vous demande seulement de m'imprimer la peau, chéri. Couvrez moi de votre corps, pour m'empêcher de céder à la déraison et de courir me plonger dans les eaux de la Schuylkill, telle Ophélie dans la Limfjord"
mais j'adore j'adore comment Lisa Germano chante "bruises bruises bruises" dans sa chanson "Bruises".
est parti hier à l'usine. Johann a bossé toute la nuit de dimanche à lundi pour boucler l'artwork, pendant que j'étais à côté en train de chercher des images de Marduk et Sylvie Vartan sur internet. Ci-dessous, le logo (pas la pochette) ku klux kawaii qui orne un des deux côtés.
avance merveilleusement vite, on a enregistré la moitié des voix avec Zoé et Kumi qui vient tout à l'heure enregistrer de la trompette, je pars à la Ciotat avec Steph dans trois semaines (du coup je crois que je vais rater morbid angel en concert) et j'espère avoir terminé fin février. Je ne sais pas à quoi ressemble ce disque. Je le vois comme un objet anachronique et beau, épuisant et doux, schizoide et éclaté, mais je ne sais pas si j'arriverai à cet idéal. Il paraît que Karine fait du spacerock façon block, et bien je crois que je fais tout le contraire.
marduk "heaven shall burn when we are gathered", immortal "pure holocaust" et "battles in the north", morbid angel "gateways to annihilation" et "heretic", en boucle en boucle qu'est-ce qui m'arrive
il faut il faut il faut que les gens découvrent lisa germano, geek the girl, slide, happiness. savoir qu'à l'âge de quarante ans elle vend des cafés chez starbucks entre ses disques pour pouvoir manger me rend mélancolique.
la classe, quand on a des fesses aussi jolies que scarlett johannson, c'est quand même de chanter "brass in pocket" dans un karaoke.
je noie un petit chiot sous des litres de café brûlant. Blair Witch 2 est un pur concentré de génie cinématographique.
"I figure if you can play on the basis of something that really scares people like fights or terminal illness. If you go right up to it and laugh at it, and have fun around it, and really disempower it by doing that, then that's the greatest thing you can do. I can make people laugh about death, laugh about fights, laugh about pain, then I've done my little thing for the world. I finally feel complete and liberated."
Robbie Robertson's guitar solo on "Dirge" (what's happening to me, now I love guitar solos) and the sound of the acoustic guitar on "Wedding Song", "Diary", Melt-Banana "If it is the deep sea I can see you there", The Melvins "Hag Me", Scarlett Johannson's ass (she had it coming) but only her ass (I hate sweetnice racist shabbiness even more than plain racism) and I'm thinking, I definitely should use my old "you+me it's home" title even if it's five years old now.
The edit task of Event 20 was the most difficult one, obviously. From the listening of the four hours of edit already done simultaneously with the recording to the final re-edits and choice of the 47 tracks, Karine, Damien, FP and Raphaël had a mammoth work to achieve. Karine spilled some wine on her laptop, the first cds were burnt three hours late in the middle of the final evening, but they did it, baby. The cd is here, and, I think, is a good overview of what those 24 hours were - even if I'm a bit sad 74 minutes is not enough to include even one long entire track (I hope some will be released one day or another). To speak of the final evening, it all went very smoothly, the gigs were great, and Karine and Davide danced on stage during my live set. Yuki's "Shiki" installation was incredibly well realized, and, I don't know if it was thanks to the tiny turtle swimming in the tank, but there were people around it all the time. Together with Raphael's video, Emmanuelle's and Davide's installations, I think this evening looked amazingly good and was yet another proof of how much we indeed rule. Oh yeah. We rule.
Mission terminated. We did it, we did the 24 hours. The third afternoon was very painful, but we did it. Otsukaresama, like they say, we ended with live buzz riddims and a little game of *chaises musicales*, and we fested with grilled salmon and red wine. Downstairs, in the Café, a duet of real musicians caused me to wonder about the essence of the music we'd played during those 24 hours. The musical range - from harsh noise, black metal and medieval marches to marimba cicadas and ragga skat - was astounding, and we did it all with a *naiveté* and a sincerity that, I guess, is not to be found in just any musicians. I'm quite proud of who we are and what we do, and I guess it's an amazing luck that we - Noak, MJC, Herz, Davide, Ftef, FP, and I -found each other. The people who played with us - René especially - noted that it was quite difficult and awkard to play with us, as we all seemed to know each other very well, I mean, musically. I don't know about that. But it's true that we really get along. Today, we have hard work to do. We edited from the 24 recorded cds yesterday until 1.30 in the morning, and now we have to make a selection of the edits for the Event 20 cd we're selling tonight. Everybody is arguing about the artwork just now, just behind me, Yuki is trying things with "Shiki" (the video+water+sound+turtle installation I made a soundtrack for) and I still have to rehearse one more time.
It's been a hard day. The days pass by like infinite tunels of time, where we play non stop and way beyond what our inspiration allows us. The third and final had to be the most difficult one. Harsh. Heavy. Noisy. I haven't stopped to play since noon, and I have to go back no because René is spinning records on his own and I don't want to let Noak down.
René who plays with us has nice paraphernalia with him. He just recited a poem of his, and we accompanied him with nice acoustic melodies. Before that, it's been lots of weird noises and upbeat concertmate flavors, and it was way more satisfying than yesterday. Béatrice says she's sick but up to now she hasn't complained a lot so I think she'll be allright for now (she feels feverish though, and she just told me that she was indeed ill, that she has muscle pain and all). One skat'n'mate session and that'll be it for today.
Brilliant morning. Yesterday evening, we decided on a more strict timetable, with little shorter sessions, so this morning we began with a drone in C minor (FP Noak Domoftef Herz MJC and I) drone vrombissant en C mineur, discreet anal(ogic) made in FP, keyboard cruitch by raph, piercing high tones & jolies vocalises courtesy of Damien. Then, Noak/odot laptop duo very very black very very dark, et on a fini par des hurlements de fou. Third hour, mic contact blast beats and minimal cruitch, rythmes bidibidoboup from hell towards heaven. Kif. We rule.
We're recording the eigth hour, i'm exhausted, and we're bit disappointed with ourselves. It's just been infinite walls of sound over infinite walls of sound, everybody wants to play almost all the time, and guitars and bass definitely don't match with computers. Easy ways out over esay ways out, dead end over dead end music with no issue. There were a few *magical beams* but listening to them has proved event more disappointing, as the monitor mix seems very different from the recording mix. Anyway, tomorrow we'll have a casual, with little sub bands within the big band, and things should turn out better. I need some sleep, or maybe a good girlie hug.
Second/Third day. We ate a waffel in a tea room next to Sophie's house for breakfast). We walked around Gent and tried to steal little plants around the city hall just like everybody was doing. Everybody (Karine, Raphael, FP, JC, Damien, Emmanuelle) arrived at six. Heavy gear. Tricky installation, with the guitars and all. Introductions. We met the guys from Gent who want to play with us, and who want to participate in Davide and Stéphane's Ganattack thing. Everybody seems quite motivated, very enthusiastic, and even if I'm a bit disappointed that the people from Kraaak can't make it (because they work all day), I am too. Cool restaurant after that, some guy tried to give me a kiss through the window of Beatrice's mother's car, I ate dull spicy food and the conversations eventually ended being about black metal and all, and the wine was goood. Beatrice, Davide, Stephane and I went to bed too early so we began watching Roger and Me but I'd already seen it so my attention decreased rapidly. This night, I had restless dreams and had to pick a fight with Davide (but he won) because I couldn't manage to wake him up) so I finished sleeping on the floor (but he told me he missed me this night). End of second day. Serious matter this morning, meeting at Vooruit at 9.30. The sound installation is indeed so tricky that it took us five hours to begin the Event 20 atelier. But we began allright, it's been three hours of krautrock riffs and weird noises already, Béatrice is drinking hot chocolate, Davide and Stéphane must have a hard time under the rain and I keep wondering why she never answers when I say goodnight at night when we turn off the light. More later today.
We (Béatrice, Davide, Stéphane and, well, me) left yesterday at one, arrived way too late because of high tension lines, fog, and weird Belgian road indications. We met Sophie at Vooruit, she showed us where we'd sleep (and where we just slept), her charming mini loft just in Gand's centre, visited Vooruit (the place is gorgeous, and looks half like the Titanic, half like the administration building in Papy fait de la Resistance (heavy reference here). We picked up some flyers, left Sophie to a cheerful (or so it seemed) family reunion, then all headed for Brussels, where we had to tour the hip bars (meaning, the five bars around Place St Gerry) and deposit those damn flyers. We ate in a Thai place with a funny name, then began our tour, but I must admit I wasn't of great help on this precise task, because I felt a bit down and when I feel down I'm really super super shy (Béatrice and Davide handled the thing really well anyway). Now it's morning, I need some coffee, we're waiting for Stéphane to come out if the shower (which is two storeys upstairs) listening to "Wish" by The Cure (admittedly not their best work but I like the way the bass goes in "Letter To Elise") and we have a meeting with Eva at Vorruit at 2.30. The others should arrive with the minivan around 6.
for great daily news about the active suspension/evenement atelier at vooruit, in gent. more at www.activesuspension.org/vooruit
Paul uses:
comment donc est-ce que les moutons de poussière se forment? chez moi il y en a partout (pourtant je suis plutôt maniaque), qui se forment très très vite (trois jours après avoir nettoyé partout il y en a déjà qui pointent le bout de leur nez par terre, à même le carrelage) parce qu'il y a des quantités phénoménales de poussière qui viennent soit des mes poutres en bois soit des grands boulevards. bref. comment est-ce que les minuscules particules de poussières arrivent à se trouver, à s'enrouler d'abord en ces jolies filaments sybilins, à faire ami-ami avec diverses particules étrangères genre ongles, miettes, bouts de fil et autres particules infinitésimales de peau humaine, puis à carrément devenir ces grosses boules informes qui parsèment le chemin qui va de ma chambre à ma salle de bain?
show offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow offshow off
(with god on my side)
-ah, attend (elle se penche)
à qui tu veux expliquer pourquoi tu es de mauvaise humeur? à qui tu veux expliquer que les raisons en sont très triviales, que ce n'est pas grand chose, que ça n'en vaut pas la peine? que tu sois témoin direct ou jaloux imaginaire, tu l'as déja écrit, c'est circulaire et ça fait super mal. j'adhère à moi-même mais sans jamais vraiment y croire, avec un pas de recul, un peu de travers. je me trouve pas mal quand je plisse les yeux, mais en fait je me fait surtout pas mal rigoler (vas-y éteins la lumière je te dis). allez hop, je m'emmure dans du son, beaucoup de son, dans le noir, je fais le mort, le mélomane, j'imagine que je suis très haut dans le nord, avec les miens, et ça passe, ça a toujours finit pas passer, alors ça passe.
je l'ai fait, j'ai dansé pendant 20 (ok, 19) minutes sur du tommy february tout seul au fond du local, et je me suis laissé filmer. je suis trop sympa. mais c'était dur. du coup j'ai mangé un pot entier de faisselle en rentrant, là j'ai mal au ventre, et je suis presque en colère. la seule solution c'est napalm death, sinon je plonge.
coltrane, mayhem, plaid, xenakis, dylan, suzanne vega, fantomas, the beach boys, big star, woody guthrie, debussy, henri chopin, derek bailey, napalm death, tortoise, the magnetic fields, pita, lamonte young, captain beefheart, luciano berio, elvis costello, the clash, wilco, bach, spiritualized, derrick may, godflesh, masters at work, joe hisaishi, nobukazu takemura, jay-z, the chemical brothers, super-collider, christof kurzmann, the flaming lips, vashti bunyan, after-dinner, curtis mayfield, ground zero, oval, royal trux, dat politics, the libertines, steve lacy, bernhard gunter, the talking heads, fugazi, blondie, the germs, weezer, john cale, the happy mondays, thelonious monk, wire, cornelius cardew, cornelius, naked city, lisa germano, the art ensemble of chicago, steve albini, stereolab, new order, gram parsons, ymo, movietone, varèse, marylin crispell, phil spector, varèse, moondog, bowie, wyatt, art bears, joe mcphee, the white stripes, zeni geva, silver jews, fucking champs, emperor, plastikman, phoenicia, felix kubin, scelsi, the byrds, albert ayler, basement jaxx, wu tang clan, techno animal, this heat, xtc, brian eno, bob dylan again. tout ça c'est pas pareil et tout ça c'est trop trop bien.